Erca Wilmar as a member of Wilmar Group follows Grievance Procedure.
Wilmar has established a Grievance Procedure as a reference for management and staff of Wilmar to handle any grievance from any external parties, including individuals, government organizations and non-governmental organizations concerning the implementation of Wilmar’s Policy.
Wilmar recognizes that feedback and input from stakeholders is valuable because it helps to enhance transparency in our supply chain. In this respect, the Grievance Procedure favors open and inclusive dialogues with stakeholders.
The Grievance Procedure is provided here.
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Wilmar completed a preliminary round of input from a range of stakeholders on this Greviance Procedure. Wilmar does however recognize that the procedure will need to be adapted as it gets operationalised and that not all feedback provided has yet been incorporated. As such it represents a base on which we plan to build a stronger procedure over time.
Grievances can be submitted through any of the following channels:
By email to: grievance_procedure@wilmar.com.sg
By telephone to: (65) 6216 0244
By fax to:(65) 6836 1709
In writing to: Wilmar Trading Pte Ltd, 56 Neil Road Singapore 088830 Attention: Sustainability Department (Grievance Coordinator)
Grievances should include provision of the following information: